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Pastor Peter Teh was born and grew up in Malaysia. Graduated from Hong Kong Baptist Seminary (major in pastoral studies), Regent College in Canada (major in spiritual theology), and Fuller Seminary in US (major in spiritual formation). Served as full time pastor and missionary in Asia, Europe as well as North America for more than 30 years, now serving at North Shore Pacific Grace Mennonite Brethren Church.
Married to Terries, who serves as caring coordinator of Chinese Christian Mission. He published his first book, Pray as you Go, in 2006.
Peter 在馬來西亞出生、長大、信主及蒙召。之後,畢業自香港浸信會神學院(主修教牧學),加拿大維真神學院(主修靈修神學)及美國福樂神學院(主修靈命塑造)。曾在亞、歐、美三大洲全職牧會及宣教逾三十年,在香港與鄒穎雩結婚。
Dr. Anthony Lo was a physician by training and a Roman Catholic by faith. More than 25 years ago, he felt God's urge to serve Him full time. Without a clue of what holds for him, he spent four years in Regent College making sense of his past, his spiritual root and discerning God's will.
During that time there was an opportunity to start up a Chinese church on the North Shore. Together with the late pastor To Wan and with the help of PGMBC and a few families, they took up the challenge and the rest is history.
On looking back, he considered it a huge honor and privilege to serve in NSPGMBC since it's inception as he saw God's amazing plan unfolded in ways unimaginable. He can testify that it is God's grace through and through in guiding and sustaining this faith community.
During the last 2 decades, as he slowly discovered his spiritual gifting in the area of counseling, he started to concentrate his time and resource from serving in a general pastoral capacity to helping his fellow sojourners to integrate their faith in their daily life experiences. It is his hope and passion that in the years to come ,they will continue to grow in their understanding and love for God individually and corporately.
Anthony 之前是香港的執業西醫,25年前蒙神呼召,畢業自維真神學院,並與許道宏牧師創立了本會;現時主要專注於輔導事工,並努力整合基督信仰、日常生活及與神之愛的關係。
Born and raised in Vancouver, Eileen loves to build up the next generation to love the Lord. Her parents, despite their non-belief, sent her and her brother to a nearby church, where she accepted Christ and embraced faith at 7. Her life’s journey took her through diverse ministries like, Canada Chinese Christian Winter Conference, Chinese Christian Missions, MB Biblical Seminary, Bible Study Fellowship, campus ministries and more.
She holds degrees from SFU in Psychology & Early Childhood Education, and Regent College in Arts & Theology. Before joining NSPG in 2013, she taught art, piano, various subjects, and engaged in youth ministries. Eileen’s interests span weight-lifting, exploring the city, spending time with her kids and more.
Eileen 在溫哥華出世和長大,七歲時決志信主,畢業自西門菲沙大學(主修心理學及幼兒教育)和維真神學院,於2013年開始在本會的牧養事奉,並參與不同的機構服侍,旨在建立愛主的下一代信徒,她的興趣是:運動、旅遊、陪同自己的兒女成長。
Pastor Keith was born in Seoul, South Korea. When he was 12 years old, he immigrated to Toronto, Canada with his parents. While attending McMaster University in Hamilton, he received his calling to ministry as he was serving a Christian fellowship group on campus.
Upon graduation, he continued his education at Tyndale Seminary and received a Master of Divinity. Pastor Keith has been serving churches in the Toronto and Vancouver area for about 16 years. Before joining NSPG, he served as a Regional Church Representative for World Vision Canada.
Pastor Keith is married to Erica and they have two children, Katelyn and Caleb. During his time off he enjoys walking, hiking, biking and kayaking.
Keith 在南韓的首爾出生,12歲時陪同父母移居到多倫多,畢業自麥馬斯特大學及天道神學院,曾於多倫多及溫哥華地區牧會超過16年,並曾任宣明會的地區教會代表,師母是 Erica、女兒是 Katelyn、兒子是 Caleb,他的興趣是:行山、騎單車、划艇。
North Shore Pacific Grace MB Church
515 W Windsor Rd, North Vancouver