We are a community that strives to LOVE God and LOVE people.
How do we love?
We love God through a personal relationship with His Son Jesus. We express this personal relationship with Jesus through prayer, songs, scripture, and service.
We love people of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities. Our love for all people stems from God’s word that each and every person is made in the image of God.
“Our congregation exists to love the One true God by
living the life of Jesus, empowering each other to be
authentic, and bringing people into His family.”
Our vision is to be a place where people of all different backgrounds can come as they are and can find Christ.
To Know Christ and To Make Him Known.
The Bible is the foundation
Accountability: to help each other grow in the Lord
Acceptance: to accept each other where we are at
Respect: to honour, value, support, and encourage each other
Ownership: to be a good steward of what God has blessed us with
NSPGMBC started in 1997. The English Ministry (EM) started as a youth group in 1998 as an extension of the Cantonese Ministry and eventually started its own Sunday service in 2006. NSPGMBC rented from Delbrook Baptist Church/Bridge Community Church (current location) until they purchased the property in 2014. EM has grown from a small teens group to a dynamic congregation.